To Foreigners

When foreign companies aim to expand their products or services into the Japanese market, there are several key points they should consider beforehand. Understanding the unique market environment, culture, and legal regulations in Japan and crafting an appropriate strategy are crucial for success. 

We also assist companies wishing to enter the Japanese market with the following services;

  1. Market research for specific industries。
  2. Competitive Research and Analysis
  3. User interview verification
  4. Test Marketing support
  5. Opening a Local Crowdfunding Store Support
  6. Setting up roundtable discussions with local consumers.
  7. Support in finding partners in Japan 
  8. Research laws and regulations
  9. Marketing support
  10. Japanese localization support etc..

For more details, please contact us via Form anytime.


1. Market Research and Segmentation

Identifying the Target Market: Japan has regional differences in consumer preferences, making it important to decide which area(s) to target.


2. Competitive Research and Analysis

Understanding how your product or service can differentiate itself from local competitors is essential through comparative analysis.

Listing and business analysis of competitors within Japan, and creating reports on the products and services, marketing strategies, pricing, customer segments, strengths, and weaknesses of major competitors.


3.User interview verification

Our User Interview and Verification service provides in-depth insights into user needs and behaviors, ensuring that your product aligns perfectly with market demands. We help validate concepts and refine strategies through direct user feedback and rigorous verification processes.


4. Test Marketing Support

Our Test Marketing Support service helps you refine your product launch strategy by conducting targeted market tests, gathering actionable insights, and optimizing your approach for maximum market impact. Let us help you ensure a successful market entry.


5.Opening a Local Crowdfunding Store Support

Our Opening a Local Crowdfunding Store Support service assists you in launching a successful crowdfunding campaign in Japan, from navigating local regulations to tailoring your approach to Japanese market preferences. We provide end-to-end support to maximize your funding potential.


6. Setting up roundtable discussions with local consumers.

Our service for setting up roundtable discussions with local consumers facilitates direct engagement with your target audience, providing valuable insights and feedback. We organize and moderate discussions to help you understand consumer needs and refine your product strategy.


7.Support in finding partners in Japan

Our Support in Finding Partners in Japan service helps you identify and connect with reliable local partners, ensuring successful market entry and collaboration. We leverage our network and expertise to match you with the best partners for your business needs.


8. Research laws and regulations

Import Regulations: Ensure your products meet Japan's unique safety standards and certification requirements,

obtaining certification if necessary.Taxes and Duties: Understanding the Japanese tax system and tariff rates is essential for cost calculations.


9. Business Practices and Networking

Business Etiquette: Understanding and respecting Japan's unique business practices and manners is required.

Partnerships: Building relationships with local partners or agents is crucial for market access and establishing sales channels.


10. Marketing Strategy and Sales Channels

Digital Marketing: With a high internet penetration rate, social media and search engine marketing are effective in Japan.

Logistics and Distribution: Understanding Japan's unique distribution standards and logistics systems is necessary to establish efficient delivery methods.We offer offline marketing proposals as well as digital.


11. Product/Service Adaptation Advice

Product Adaptation: Customizing products for the Japanese market may be necessary, including adjustments in size, design, or functionality.We also offer such advice based on surveys and other information.


12. Cultural Adaptation and Localization

Language and Culture: It's crucial not just to translate product packaging or marketing materials into Japanese but also to adjust messages to respect and align with Japanese culture and values.


Consumer Behavior: Japanese consumers are highly sensitive to quality and service, necessitating attention to detail.

CEO Profile

Keiko Maruyama

IT Consultant, Marketing Consultant and Startup Mentor

Startup Advisor at Start up Hub Tokyo@Tokyo Metropolitan office, Tokyo

Global Innovation with STARTUPS Mentor, Tokyo STEAM@Tokyo

Startup Advisor at Kawasaki NEDO Innovation Center@Kawasaki city, Kanagawa prefecture

Business Judge for Shonan Business Contest@Fujisawa city,  Kanagawa prefecture

Business Judge for Women's Entrepreneurship Challenge Contest@Tokyo


After working 15 years in the IT industry as a sales, marketing and global project manager at Equant France Telecom and Cisco Systems, I resigned and started my company in 2012.   In addition to being a company CEO, I also work as a part-time consultant in the government sector、such as an Advisor at Startup Hub Tokyo’s  of Tokyo Metropolitan Office. I also similar roles in Yokohama-city and Kawasaki city. I have experience advising many startups and small businesses  Recently, I also work as a as a judge for business contests.